£75,000 - £100,000 yearly
Aero Tec Laboratories Ltd, Denbigh Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK1 1DF, UK
Job Role
To ensure that ATL Group (including its employees) remain aware of, and understand how to comply with, developing regulations and legislation, and how to incorporate these into ‘business as usual’. To identify and effectively manage/resolve risks to ATL Group’s compliance, including leading a robust process of root cause analysis/continuous improvement.
Main Duties
Ownership of the organisation’s compliance with the GDPR and data protection practices, including document control.
In conjunction with the HR team, responsible for ensuring that employees remain sufficiently trained in GDPR/data protection practices.
Responsible for ensuring that ATL Group operates in conjunction with accurate, monitored and maintained data retention schedules.
In conjunction with the Group Head of People & Development, responsible for ensuring the organisation’s compliance with modern slavery requirements; including: understanding the supply chain and implementing...